
100-plus |
Weight |
Angler |
Location |
Date |
Ulua |
116 lbs. |
Jake Ballesteros |
Keomoku, Lanai |
10/7/2023 |
It was Friday, October 6th, 2023 and I was working on the east side of Lana'i. As soon as I saw how perfect the water was, I went straight to my phone to check the moon and the tide (which was also perfect). At that moment, I knew exactly where I wanted to fish that night.
My fishing partners were helping out with a keiki fishing tournament that day, so I decided I was going to go solo. As soon as I got home from work, I loaded my truck with my fishing gear and left. I got to the spot at about 6:30 pm, so I hurried to get my lines in the water before it got dark.
The first half of the night didn't have much action so I went to sleep. I woke up at 2:30 am the next day, and decided to crank up the poles to change my bait to tohei. It didn't take long after that to get a bite! At around 3:00 am, my pole went off with my IRW Slider bent, and my Penn 4/0 Wide was screaming!
The first initial run was crazy, but I finally was able to stop it with only about 40 yards of line remaining in my reel. It was a nerve wracking 30 minute fight, but I somehow was able to win this battle solo!
