
100-plus |
Weight |
Angler |
Location |
Date |
Ulua |
104.5 lbs |
Wayne Cypriano |
Hamakua, Hawaii |
08/00/2022 |
After another long week of hard work, Friday arrived. The weekend was near and fishing was on my mind. I made a few phone calls to a couple of my fishing partners, and we then set up a gameplan before heading off to our fishing spot out on the Hamakua cliffs.
After a long day of catching bait, night came, and we slid baits down on each of our poles. Right off the bat, our friend Andrew took a strike and quickly landed his first ulua ever, a nice 30-pounder; we were all stoked for him!
The night was still young, and it wasn't long before it was Ronson's turn. He took a solid strike but ended up getting cut off on the reef. We then ate dinner and talked stories until the late hours of the night.
We were all lying down when Caleb's pole went off at around 2 a.m. He quickly landed another 30-pounder, and we were stoked we had two fish in the cooler.
Everyone went back to lying down on their cots by their trucks, and I ended up lying down next to my poles because I had a good feeling with prime baits down.
It was a good thing I stayed near because, at around 5:45 a.m., my Talon pole bent over and started to scream, ripping line out of my Penn 4/0. By the time I got to my reel, it was down to my backing.
The fight was on! After about 25 to 30 minutes of battling the beast, we finally saw color and knew this was the one.
I finally brought him up to where Ronson was able to sink the gaff in him. That's when we realized we finally put a Hamakua hammer on the rocks.
We were all excited, exchanging high fives with our screams echoing all the way to Waipi'o Valley. We quickly carried it up to the trucks and got it on ice before heading over to a certified scale to get it weighed.
As we watched the numbers rise on the scale, I was pumped to see it stop at 104.5 lbs. I couldn't believe I had landed my second 100-plus pound ulua from shore!
This one meant a lot to me; being raised as a Hamakua boy, it was always my dream to land an ulua weighing more than 100 lbs. from the Hamakua cliffs.
I just want to thank my fishing partners Caleb, Ronson, and Andrew for everything. It wouldn't have been possible without you guys-this is one trip to remember, boys!
