
100-plus |
Weight |
Angler |
Location |
Date |
Ulua |
102 lbs. 8 oz. |
Ryan Naluai |
Waimanalo, Oahu |
05/22/2021 |
We were out at Bellows Beach on Saturday, May 22nd. Around 6:30 p.m., I paddled out my ulua rig on a stand up paddle, and within five minutes of paddlingless than 100 yards offshoremy lead line snapped. I quickly paddled and caught a wave to shore then began reeling without knowing what was happening. The line was slack, but eventually, I caught up to the big buggah and the fight commenced. I knew I had an ulua on my hands. After 15 minutes, I was able to turn him around and get him to the waves
lapping on the shoreline. We dragged him up the beach to find my hook lodged way in the back of his throat. He took his last breath; we packed up
and were out of there by 8 p.m.
